episode two


I’m toasted


Once upon a time there was a little boy named little potato. Little potato loved playing on the swings and if he could he would swing all day.

Today was an amazing day for him and his little sister because they were both going on the school camp. 

When they got off the bus they could see all the shining lights in the trees surrounding the camp. Out of no where Big Fat Marshmallow decided that he was going to be a big fat bully. The marshmallow threw his bag onto the ground and started running around chasing everyone including little potato and his sister.

As Big Fat Marshmallow was running around chasing everyone, he didn’t see the campfire in front of him. He tripped and fell right into the fire! Everyone froze, their eyes wide in shock. No one could say anything. Big Fat Marshmallow started to turn brown, and everyone just stood there, not sure what to do.

Big Fat Marshmallow was starting to toast when, all of a sudden, Strong Lettuce jumped right into the fire and pulled him out. Strong Lettuce was a little burnt, but it was okay. Saving Big Fat Marshmallow was totally worth it!

Big Fat Marshmallow said sorry to Little Potato, Lettuce, and Little Potato’s sister for being a bully, and they all became friends again. Big Fat Marshmallow thought to himself,

“Wow, I am never doing that again.”


episode one